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ListenUp Demos

To try a fully featured demo version of ListenUp on your website download our free ListenUp SDK .

Important Note: ListenUp is a general purpose Applet for recording voice and uploading it to a website. These forum and email demos are just simple examples of the kinds of things you can with ListenUp. ListenUp by itself is not a voice forum or voice email application. But you can use ListenUp to develop your own.

Demo 1: Speex Compression

Record a voice message using Speex compression and listen to it using ListenUp PlayerApplet.

Demo 2: Voice Forum

Share voice messages using an SQL database.

Demo 3: Voice+Email

Send a voice message along with an email.

Demo 4: Sequenced Recording using JavaScript

Record a series of phrases using JavaScript to control the ListenUp Applet.

Demo 5: Try Recording with Various Settings

Record a message using various sample rates and compression formats.

Demo 6: Compression Formats

Listen to a pre-recorded voice message compressed using various formats.

Demo 7: Free Mode

See what it is like to use ListenUp in the "free mode".




       © 2001-2011 Mobileer, Inc.       JavaSonics ListenUp is no longer for sale. (EC2)