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Audio Troubleshooting Key For Windows Users: Is there a hardware device conflict?

When more than one device is configured to use the same resource you may develop a hardware conflict that causes a sound problem. Or if a device is turned off, sound problems can occur.

To confirm whether or not there is a device conflict:

  1. Select Start
  2. Select Run, and then type devmgmt.msc and select OK
  3. Double-click Sound, video and game controllers
  4. Look for an exclamation point (!) in a yellow circle next to your sound device, or a red 'X'

An exclamation point in a yellow circle indicates a hardware conflict. To troubleshoot this problem, go to the Harware troubleshooter in Windows Help and Support Center.

A red exclamation point indicates that a device is turned off. Try turning the device on.

Now attempt to play a file using ListenUP.

If you ARE able to play other sound files without interruption, then your hardware and device drivers appear to be working correctly. The file you are experiencing problems with may be damaged. Try reinstalling the file.

If you are NOT able to hear sound coming from your speakers/headphones, contact your IT Department or select WINDOWS SUPPORT link below to go to the Windows Support Website, then follow the instructions to get to the Sound Troubleshooter.



       © 2001-2011 Mobileer, Inc.       JavaSonics ListenUp is no longer for sale. (EC2)